Fan Content Policy
We are stoked to see content produced by fans of our games (The Pegasus Expedition), and we encourage you to continue to share it with us and the whole community. However, there are some rules and legal stuff we need to discuss first. If you produce fan made content of Kalla Gamework’s games and characters, please read the following fan content policy. By making and publishing your own content, you agree to these terms and conditions.
If you are unsure about something, feel free to contact us about it. We are more than happy to help and answer your questions.
1. Respect the rules of the platform you choose to share your fan content on.
2. Fan content must be non-commercial, except for monetizing videos such as youtube or streaming with ads.
3. Fan content must not be discriminating, sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic or any way that could be offensive or harmful to others.
4. You may not publish or create fan content in a manner that could cause people to believe it is an official product.
5. You may not use or create fan content in a manner that could be harmful or damaging to the value, reputation or goodwill of the Kalla Gameworks.
6. We encurage you to mod our games and appreciate the modders’ contribution into making our games more enjoyable. However, all modding must follow these fan content rules.
7. Making merch of or otherwise monetizing official artwork is not allowed. (Exception with video ads on youtube, following youtube’s guidelines.)
8. You are only allowed to make small amounts of merch of your own fan content, meaning merch such as stickers and art prints. You are not allowed to sell said merch at large stores such as amazon. If you are a business, always contact us no matter what content you produce to sell.
9. We may share or repost your fan content on our official social media accounts, mentioning your name or nickname, with no financial compensation.
10. We reserve the (very unlikely) right to ask you to remove your unofficial artwork or merch from sale at any time.
11. Don’t hurt others. Respect other people’s property. If you use another fan’s content without their permission or claim it as your own, we may ask you to remove it.
12. We reserve the right to make changes to these guidelines at any time.